« Les Amis du Sabarthez » fellowship
Our fellowship (a non-profit organization) aims mainly at safeguarding the prehistorical and historical heritage of our region. We also deal with geology, botany, and social life within the beautiful & mountainous environment of the Sabarthez area.
Farming & Community life
We are eager to encourage & promote organic farming, through natural approaches such as permaculture or biodynamie. We envision an inter-generational community on-site, where convivencia (literally : living one with each other) and paratge (sharing) are the challenging goals. Thus tolerance, respect, righteousness, honesty, friendship, brotherhood & love will be the core values to be experienced on a daily basis.
Cultural center
The « Cultural Center » provides interesting details of our region’s heritage. Different collections are displayed, dealing with geology, prehistory and history. It also hosts a library and a small bookshop. Visits are possible on appointment at Ornolac-Ussat-les-Bains, 16 rue des Thermes (ZIP code :09400).
A significant part of the exhibition is dedicated to the Pyrenean catharism.
Lectures covering various themes are also proposed within our facilities, an excellent means for deepening one’s knowledge of Occitanie’s history, cultural heritage & values.
Promoting the Occitan (the regional dialect also named langue d’oc) is also one of our association’s main goals. Occitan – which was the troubadours’ and the Cathars’ language – is still used today in our region. In pursuit of that goal, concerts are scheduled where the traditional Occitan music of the troubadours can be enjoyed (for instance in the famous and fascinating cave named Grotte de Lombrives).
Our association is a member of Convergencia Occitana – whose headquarters are located in the center of Toulouse cf. ostaldoccitania.net – and who gathers up more than 90 associations somehow involved around the Occitan idiom and its cultural aspects.
Guided tours & Accommodation
In addition to this Cultural Center, our fellowship offers guided tours around historical or prehistorical sites. Thanks to advanced studies & searches, several topics are extensively dealt with during these visits: geology, prehistory, medieval history & Catharism .
Accommodation is available at our guest houses, which are ideally located at the heart of the Sabarthez. Further very interesting explorations are thus made possible throughout Occitanie.
One may become partner with our fellowship (a non-profit association within the 1901 law frame) as a honorary member or as an active member. Discount accommodation fees are offered to our active members.
For any further inquiry, please contact our association’s president : Christian Koenig
Phone : +33 777 33 44 41
Email address: contact@occitanie-cathare.eu